2nd Degree (Formation Degree)

There will be a 2nd degree at Fr. Gabriel Council Hall on Saturday, Sept. 8 at Fr. Gabriel council hall.  Candidates please arrive by 10:30 …

Third Degree ( Knighthood Degree)

Gentlemen, this is an opportunity to complete your journey to full Knighthood in our Order.  Coat and Tie please.   Try to be prompt.  Candidates arrive …

Stewardship Presentation

OUr social meeting in Sept. will be a presentation by the Stewardship committee of the parish.  Please try to attend to find out what all …

District Deputy Meeting

Fr. Gabriel Council Hall Dairy Rd, Melboiurne

Monthly district deputy meeting with all Grand Knights

District-wide Retreat

All 5 councils are invited to attend this retreat to fulfill the spiritual reflection requirement of Faith in Action

Knights of Columbus Council 13243