District Fundraiser

Council 3746 Fr Gabriel                    Council 5845 Bishop Verot Our Lady of Lourdes                                Holy Name of Jesus DISTRICT 30   District Deputy                        …

2nd Degree

There is a 2nd degree (Formation) at Fr. Gabriel's council hall on Dairy Rd. Candidates should arrive by 6:30 PM- Exemplification to begin at 7 …

Membership Drive

The first membership drive of the new year is scheduled for Sat. and Sun. Feb. 2 & 3 after all masses.  We will have a …

F.I.T. Spaghetti Dinner

Our council will be cooking and serving spaghetti to the students of Florida Institute of Technology at the Campus Chapel and Newman Club.  volunteers are …

District Deputy Meeting

Grand Knights from all councils in district meet with the DD. at Fr. Gabriel Council Hall

Knights of Columbus Council 13243